In reading and watching both of these stories there are several similarities that do stand out. In both of these stories, the young girl was lost their mothers during child birth. They also were hated by their stepmothers although at a very young age. Lucky for both of them, they found a group of guys who cared about them and took them in when they were abandoned by their families. And of course, they both sat in the glass caskets at the end of their stories to display their beauty to the world.
In Blancanieves, when the stepmother was jealous of the girls beauty she tortured her by making her do hard labor jobs and living in a dirty shack, not allowing her to live in the house or even go up to the second floor. She ran away and became a bull fighter, joining her "bullfighting dwarves." Sadly, her ending was a bad one and she died in the arena being carried off by the very people who adored her. She was put in a display glass casket and used in a carnival show, where the guy who took care of her also obsessed over her, sleeping in the glass casket with her and kissing her dead corpse.
In Brothers Grimm Snow White, Snow White was a mere seven years old when her stepmother, who obviously had some serious personal issues and a lot of free time decided to try and kill her because she was jealous of her beauty and wanted to be known as the most beautiful in the land. I know this is a Disney movie, but this Snow White was kind of foolish for talking and accepting things from a random stranger on three separate occasions. I don't know how I would've felt if I were those dwarves and I came home from a hard days work several different times to Snow White passed out at the doorway near death. But even with all that, it was them putting her in that glass casket near the end that attracted the young prince. Unlike Blancanieves, the poison was shaken out of her throat and she came back to life, giving kids who watch the movie a happy ending. Alot better than a corpse being on display in a glass case and an obsessive guy kissing and sleeping with it if you ask me.
I do agree that Blancanieve's ending was not the most pleasant. It makes me really sad that Carmen ended up that way (as a matter of fact, her whole family ended up that way) because of a greedy and selfish woman. I do like to point out the major difference between the Grimm's fairytale and Blancanieves is that Carmen does not have a Prince Charming!!! There is an absence of a prince throughout the whole movie!